Specialty pallets

We provide both second-hand and new specialty pallets.

Second-hand specialty pallets are a flexible and often cheaper alternative to exchange pallets or new specialty pallets.

CP pallets

The chemical industry has developed a number of standard pallets called CP pallets that come in 9 different types, CP1-CP9.

Unfortunately, there is no established return system for these pallets, but as they are all registered, they are reused more often than other specialty pallets. 

Customised pallets

Specialty pallets are produced in a variety of measurements and thicknesses. Some with rounded blocks and others with square blocks. Some pallets have wings, while others have stringers. Help with selecting the correct size will ensure a safer and more operational pallet. It will also help save you a lot of money. It is not only about ordering your “usual” pallet.


The quality of a specialty pallet must match your needs. In some cases, a second-hand pallet or poor quality ready-to-assemble pallet from Eastern Europe can be the right choice. On the other hand, many companies, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, have high standards with regard to quality and reliable delivery, in which case, pallets produced in Denmark would be the best choice


Specialty pallets are often only used once. As a company, we make sure that pallets in good working order or that can be repaired, are used again. Pallets that are either defective or that have measurements that cannot be sold will be chipped. The wood is then used by a CHP plant and the nails are remelted.

Do you want to sell your specialty pallets? Then Lars would like to make you an offer!

Importing from Eastern Europe can be a costly solution.

If the company does not have enough surplus stock, security of supply can be an issue. An agreement with a Danish producer will mean the best security of supply.

Traditionally, more than half of the specialty pallets used in Denmark are produced in Eastern Europe. However, this import has been steadily declining for several reasons:

When you add security of supply concerns to this, more and more companies choose to buy pallets produced in Denmark.


Danpal delivers - Always as agreed

  • Delivery – Always on time

  • Delivery – Always the agreed upon quality

  • Delivery – Always helpful drivers

  • Delivery – Always with the environment in mind